Sunday, December 23, 2007


First assignment, body part:
Hands, a handy project!


I made this tree Monumental!

Monumental light.

Monumental squirrel

Monumental Princeton's Harry Potter.

Monumental eagle in Princeton.

Look at this Monumental moment of a Newark's view!

Another Monumental moment in Newark's sky...

Point Of View Of An Inanimate Object

Unfortunately these images are not likely to be found anywhere neither on my computer nor on my camera's card, thus they cannot be uploaded on this post. This post is subject to be updated as soon as the images will be found and posted.

Paper's 3 Images Sequence




Star Ledger Contest

Newport's Skyline sky


One way

Newark Scavenger

Newark one's Portrait

$1 shop item

Newark's face

N.Y.C ING, Marathon

Legs, running roots.



Contrasting States.
Unfortunately, the card on which the images have been stored, are no longer readable on the card reader and thus, cannot be uploaded... This post will updated as soon as this problem will be fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

"Art Greening" R-N

Not inviting campus sites...


Me, as myself.